Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Feedback sheet - What people thought about our "Rough Cut"

What did you like about the trailer?
 “Good soundtrack, it is cut at places really well”
“Great sound effects”
“Love the text/font”
“Sets narrative well”
“The blood effects work well"
“Text was good”
“Good location – creepy”
“Nice blood FX”
 “Nice sound effects”
“Good jump shots”
“Good shots – canted angle through mask”
 “Good violent scenes”
“The end was really effective, and the sound effect went really well with that part”

What do you think could be improved in the trailer?
“Shots could be darker”
“Not very eerie because the lighting is very high key”
“Almost exposes too much of storyline – we see all the characters get killed”
“Soundtrack wasn’t horror enough”
“Narrative isn’t too clear”
“The audio of speech isn’t very clear and is hard to understand”
“Music was louder than speaking sometimes”
“The music didn’t make me feel scared, and it could be more mysterious”